Theoretical physics isn’t just for the Sheldon Coopers of the world. And the Business & Education Partnership (BEP) wants to show you why.
The BEP will be holding its ZOOM Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Career Day for grade 11 and 12 students February 26 at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.
“The Perimeter Institute is home to some of the world’s best scientific minds! Having the ZOOM Career Day on ICT at Perimeter is a great opportunity to showcase to students why science is important to the technologies that we use daily,” says Karen Klink, executive director of the BEP.
After a keynote from Stephen Lake of Thalmic Labs, ICT professionals working in startups, local tech companies and academics from Perimeter Institute and University of Waterloo will discuss careers in ICT with students.
While at the ZOOM Career Day, students will participate in three interactive workshops. They include “From Angry Birds to Black Holes: The science behind video games” where students will explore how designers use science to make video games that feel real with Damien Pope of the Perimeter Institute.
The University of Waterloo, Stratford Campus will focus on automation engineering, examining small autonomous robots that exhibit design elements of all three engineering disciplines (mechanical, electrical and software), and use them to build robot to robot interaction.
BlackBerry will give students a workshop on building mobile apps, looking at code, explaining behaviors and adding new features to apps. The Communitech Apps Factory, ATS, U of W’s Institute for Quantum Computing and Google are also hosting workshops for students.
This is the BEP’s third ZOOM Career Day of the 2013-2014 school year and will be a valuable day for students to learn from ICT professionals and explore career options in this growing field in one of the best tech towns in the world!
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